Why use real videos to show Your AR Idea

Jun 7, 2024

In my AR concept development, I’ve shifted towards using real videos to visualize ideas. Here’s why this approach is so beneficial:

Unexpected Insights

Real videos often reveal aspects I hadn’t considered before. Viewing my AR concepts in a real-world context provides new perspectives that can lead to significant improvements.

Easier Team Discussions

Videos make team discussions more effective. Unlike AR glasses, where only one person can see the concept at a time, videos can be paused, discuss together, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Accessible for Stakeholders

Not everyone can access the latest prototypes, but videos are easily shareable. Stakeholders can watch them at their convenience, which improves communication and transparency.

Identifying Better Use Cases

Filming AR concepts in real situations helps identify new or improved use cases. Observing the practical application of an idea can highlight what works well and what needs adjustment.


Using real videos has become an invaluable tool in my AR development process. They provide unexpected insights, facilitate better team discussions, are easily accessible, and help identify superior use cases. I highly recommend this method to anyone in AR development.

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An interaction designer
in love with UI design, 3D
and Augmented Reality.


An interaction designer
in love with UI design, 3D
and Augmented Reality.