My After Effects Shortcuts

Jul 21, 2024

These are my shortcuts that significantly speed up my workflow.

Essential Shortcuts

When a layer is selected:

  • P: Position

  • R: Rotation

  • S: Scale

  • T: Opacity

  • M: Show Mask Path

  • F: Show Mask Feather

  • Command + Shift + R: To set a keyframe for rotation instantly.

  • U: to reveal all modified properties.

Pressing U reveals all keyframes for the selected layer.
Instead of sifting through the entire layer,
you can see animated properties right away.

Additional Essential Shortcuts

  • Spacebar: Play/Pause

  • Command + Arrow Left: Jump one frame to the left.

  • Command + Arrow Right: Jump one frame to the right.

  • B and N: Set the beginning and end of the work area.

  • Ctrl/Cmd + D: Duplicate layers.

  • V: Selection Tool

  • G: Pen Tool

  • Y: Pan Behind (Anchor Point) Tool

  • Option + Command + M to send the project to Media Encoder.


I also love using the FX Console plugin from Video Copilot: FX Console.
It allows me to quickly search an effects to the selected composition.

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An interaction designer
in love with UI design, 3D
and Augmented Reality.


An interaction designer
in love with UI design, 3D
and Augmented Reality.